PLEASE EXCUSE MY DEAR AUNT SALLY meaning more so to say - please excuse my lack of motivation to blog. I am done with this semesters classes and it feels good to have a little more free time. Expect exciting things to come, not just from me, but from the duo of KAMILLE & SARAH. We have racing minds, inspired hearts and moons, suns and stars in our eyes. Things are about to start happening. 

I have wanted to share photos on here from the runaway Riley and I took to Boston. Riley found dirt cheap airfare and I say yes. I am trying to gather my thoughts into a paragraph form to convey and match to the feelings I get from reflecting back to our adventure...

Boston and Salem was the most magical / spontaneous / poetic adventure I have had. We survived a hostel, celebrated with the avid Red Sox fans, got wooed by an old Italian man, walked the brick and cobble stone roads everywhere, got mistaken as locals on the T, and climbed through fences in and out of graveyards. We were truly vagabonds. I left my soul in Salem because I know this is all just the start.

Sarah Ruth