Practice self acceptance but not as an excuse.

Note to self: Continue reading textbooks. I never believed they were useful, until college. Maybe this is because my professors have made an excellent choice or maybe because I have actually devoted myself to doing not just good work, but great work. TIME IS VALUABLE.  Enough rambling because what I need to do is get more specific and tell you one of the reasons why I love my communications textbook:

"Practice self acceptance but not as an excuse.
Practice self responsibility but don't try to control everything.
Practice self assertiveness but respect the needs of others.
Practice purposeful living but don't be inflexible.
Practice personal integrity but understand and respect others.
Practice self talk but listen to others too."

That's all. Xxxx Surah.

Find the joy in abandoned plans.

A few weeks ago I attended Art Insights with Kamille. I also have rewrote this paragraph three times because I don't know how or why I care to explain to you about what I am about to say. I also don't want to forget a few things he said.. soo.. let's keep this simple. 

Art Insights. Guest. Rick Berry. Illustrator. Writer. Artist. Jack ass. Genius. Black T shirt with a grey blazer. Never took real art class. Referred to his pieces as "scribblings." Honest. Spoke slow. Stated questions. Gave options. Then answers.  

"I didn't destroy it, I improved it into non existence."
"Things are made to look alive and so we are to forget that they are alive."
"You don't bullshit someone with cancer. I think all teenagers would be more mature if no one bullshit them." 

"I don't wait to have a reason to paint." 

"Lying through my swinging teeth, I asked for help. I needed my lies to come true." 

"Start using art to see with, rather than using it to execute a plan." 

"I am terribly curious." 

"Art need to be back into schools."  

"Find the joy in abandoned plans."

And that was that. Sorry for my habits of generating.
It is all a process. 
xx S. Rue