Practice self acceptance but not as an excuse.

Note to self: Continue reading textbooks. I never believed they were useful, until college. Maybe this is because my professors have made an excellent choice or maybe because I have actually devoted myself to doing not just good work, but great work. TIME IS VALUABLE.  Enough rambling because what I need to do is get more specific and tell you one of the reasons why I love my communications textbook:

"Practice self acceptance but not as an excuse.
Practice self responsibility but don't try to control everything.
Practice self assertiveness but respect the needs of others.
Practice purposeful living but don't be inflexible.
Practice personal integrity but understand and respect others.
Practice self talk but listen to others too."

That's all. Xxxx Surah.


  1. I love that quote! it's all about balance and practicality....I've never run into a text book with something USEFUL in it...I especially loved "Practice self responsibility but don't try to control everything."

    Love and Miss YOU!!!
    <3//Anna Bell(:
